Wednesday, November 27, 2019

How to Use Charts, Graphs, and Maps for Information

How to Use Charts, Graphs, and Maps for Information Many people find frequency tables, crosstabs, and other forms of numerical statistical results intimidating. The same information can usually be presented in graphical form, which makes it easier to understand and less intimidating. Graphs tell a story with visuals rather than in words or numbers and can help readers understand the substance of the findings rather than the technical details behind the numbers. There are numerous graphing options when it comes to presenting data. Here we will take a look at the most popularly used: pie charts, bar graphs, statistical maps, histograms, and frequency polygons. Pie Charts A pie chart is a graph that shows the differences in frequencies or percentages among categories of a nominal or ordinal variable. The categories are displayed as segments of a circle whose pieces add up to 100 percent of the total frequencies. Pie charts are a great way to graphically show a frequency distribution. In a pie chart, the frequency or percentage is represented both visually and numerically, so it is typically quick for readers to understand the data and what the researcher is conveying. Bar Graphs Like a pie chart, a bar graph is also a way to visually show the differences in frequencies or percentages among categories of a nominal or ordinal variable. In a bar graph, however, the categories are displayed as rectangles of equal width with their height proportional to the frequency of percentage of the category. Unlike pie charts, bar graphs are very useful for comparing categories of a variable among different groups. For example, we can compare marital status among U.S. adults by gender. This graph would, thus, have two bars for each category of marital status: one for males and one for females. The pie chart does not allow you to include more than one group. You would have to create two separate pie charts, one for females and one for males. Statistical Maps Statistical maps are a way to display the geographic distribution of data. For example, let’s say we are studying the geographic distribution of the elderly persons in the United States. A statistical map would be a great way to visually display our data. On our map, each category is represented by a different color or shade and the states are then shaded depending on their classification into the different categories. In our example of the elderly in the United States, let’s say we had four categories, each with its own color: Less than 10 percent (red), 10 to 11.9 percent (yellow), 12 to 13.9 percent (blue), and 14 percent or more (green). If 12.2 percent of Arizona’s population is over 65 years old, Arizona would be shaded blue on our map. Likewise, if Florida’s has 15 percent of its population aged 65 and older, it would be shaded green on the map. Maps can display geographical data on the level of cities, counties, city blocks, census tracts, countries, states, or other units. This choice depends on the researcher’s topic and the questions they are exploring. Histograms A histogram is used to show the differences in frequencies or percentages among categories of an interval-ratio variable. The categories are displayed as bars, with the width of the bar proportional to the width of the category and the height proportional to the frequency or percentage of that category. The area that each bar occupies on a histogram tells us the proportion of the population that falls into a given interval. A histogram looks very similar to a bar chart, however, in a histogram, the bars are touching and may not be of equal width. In a bar chart, the space between the bars indicates that the categories are separate. Whether a researcher creates a bar chart or a histogram depends on the type of data he or she is using. Typically, bar charts are created with qualitative data (nominal or ordinal variables) while histograms are created with quantitative data (interval-ratio variables). Frequency Polygons A frequency polygon is a graph showing the differences in frequencies or percentages among categories of an interval-ratio variable. Points representing the frequencies of each category are placed above the midpoint of the category and are joined by a straight line. A frequency polygon is similar to a histogram, however, instead of bars, a point is used to show the frequency and all the points are then connected with a line. Distortions in Graphs When a graph is distorted, it can quickly deceive the reader into thinking something other than what the data really says. There are several ways that graphs can be distorted. Probably the most common way that graphs get distorted is when the distance along the vertical or horizontal axis is altered in relation to the other axis. Axes can be stretched or shrunk to create any desired result. For example, if you were to shrink the horizontal axis (X axis), it could make the slope of your line graph appear steeper than it actually is, giving the impression that the results are more dramatic than they are. Likewise, if you expanded the horizontal axis while keeping the vertical axis (Y axis) the same, the slope of the line graph would be more gradual, making the results appear less significant than they really are. When creating and editing graphs, it is important to make sure the graphs do not get distorted. Oftentimes, it can happen by accident when editing the range of numbers in an axis, for example. Therefore it is important to pay attention to how the data comes across in the graphs and make sure the results are being presented accurately and appropriately, so as to not deceive the readers. Resources and Further Reading Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava, and Anna Leon-Guerrero. Social Statistics for a Diverse Society. SAGE, 2018.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Resolve to Read the Classics!

Resolve to Read the Classics! Have you decided that this is your year  for reading more Classic Literature? Weve got some helpful suggestions for books to read, clubs to consider forming or joining, genres to discover, and even ways to beat the reading slumps!   Reading Lists Have a Play-Full New Year! One of the more overlooked genres of classic literature (or any literature, really) is drama. Readers tend to gravitate towards novels, first, and poetry second. But the truth is, there are a number of classic plays of various modes, including comedy, tragedy, tragicomedy, and histories that are incredibly interesting, entertaining, and educational! Click the link above to see what plays we recommend reading this year! Tackle this List of 101 Classics Have you always wanted to read the classics but have been intimidated by the sheer number of them? Maybe you’ve heard of classic writers like Charles Dickens and Jane Austen, but you aren’t sure who else qualifies? The list of 101 Classics provides a wealth of options across all genres, modes, and literary periods. There is definitely something for every reader. Check it out! Classic Young Adult Literature Did you know that there are a significant number of so-called â€Å"young adult† novels that also fit the genre of classic literature? This category has been increasing in popularity over the last decade, so we’ve compiled a list of some of the very best classic works that resonate with younger readers or which are narrated by young adults. How About some Literary Resolutions? Every year, January rolls around and we find ourselves making a variety of resolutions. It might be to lose weight, to manage our budget a little better, or to try new things. But have you ever considered adding reading resolutions to that list? This post will provide you with a number of various resolutions that you as a Classic Literature-lover are sure to enjoy (and might actually succeed in keeping!). Try These Books to Beat the Classics Slump This list is designed for those of us who are regular readers of classic literature but who have, for whatever reason, found ourselves in a bit of a reading slump. Maybe we’ve been trying a genre that’s not speaking to us at the moment, or a period that we’re not responding to. The books above are meant to help you break out of the slump and enjoy the classics all over again! Book Club Information What Is a Book Club, anyway? This might sound like a simple, easy question, but how often have you thought about it? What is a book club, really, and why are they important? What should a book club do for you, and what should you expect from it? Here are some of our thoughts on the subject. What About Online Book Clubs? Another question we might ask ourselves is, what about this whole online book club thing? How do they work? How are they organized? Do we use web cams, blogs, or other pre-arranged book sites? There are a number of pros and cons to the online scene, and we address some of each here. Join/Start a Book Club or Reading Group Now that weve thought about what a book club really is, and whether we might want to participate in an online or traditional format, there are some other questions to address. For example, how exactly can we go about forming a book club? And, once weve formed it, how can we develop rules and expectations? How might we make the club fun? What are some of the issues that typically arise? Be ready to tackle all of these questions and more by browsing our thoughts on the subject. How to Select a Classic Book for Your Book Club Since youre browsing the Classic Literature section of, its likely that youre not only interested in starting a book club, but perhaps a book club that specifically works with Classic literature. Well, how do you go about selecting those classics? How can you make a potentially-eclectic and skills-diverse group happy with your choices? Here are some suggestions! Common Rules and Standards for Your Book Club Finally, now that youve formed your book club and decided how to choose your readings, its time to think about the rules and expectations. Believe it or not, even a book club can be prone to confusion, tension, and other issues. Its important that everyone knows and agrees to the rules right away. This post offers some ideas about guidelines to help your group stay positive and successful.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Stem Cell Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Stem Cell - Research Paper Example The goal of this paper is to provide a general historical and scientific background of the research. First, the scientific background of stem cell research will be discussed. This would entail the exposition of stem cell technology, including the functions and the potential uses of stem cells. It would also entail a description of the various sources of stem cells, that is, adult stem cells and embryonic stem cells. The advantages and disadvantages of these stem cells as a source of stem cell research and therapies will be noted. Stem cell technology An adult vertebrate is estimated to compose of more than two hundred different types of cells (Marshak et al. 4). These cells are the fundamental units of life, the building blocks of all tissue, and the source of all extracellular matrix and interstitial fluids. The cells undergo changes throughout their existence. Sometimes, these changes through extrinsic or intrinsic causes may result in damage or loss of the cells. If the damage or loss of the cells is irreversible, it can be permanently debilitating or lethal, causing degenerative diseases. For instance, the loss of cardiomyocytes may lead to heart failure, the loss of neurons may lead to Parkinson's, dementias, ataxia, stroke, or paralysis, the loss of renal cells may lead to kidney failure, and the loss of hematopoietic cells may lead to bone marrow failures or anemias. Unfortunately, conventional drug therapies (small-molecule chemicals) are unable currently to stimulate fully functional cell or tissue replacement for these diseases (Harley and Rao in Arlene and Mahendra 239). However, research on human stem cells promises the development of alternative therapies for the treatment of these diseases. Stem cell research continues to fuel the expectation that an array of promising novel cellular therapeutics will be developed. It is anticipated that the therapies either comprised of or derived from human stem cells will be effective in treating a broad spectr um of medical conditions that necessitate replacement, restoration, repair, or regeneration of damaged or diseased cells, tissues and organ systems (Fink et al. in Arlene and Mahendra 323). Stem cell technology aims at channeling these special cells with high proliferative capacity into specified differentiation programs within the body for therapeutic uses. Nevertheless, the development of the stem cell therapies will not be an easy task. The successful development of the therapies will depend on the scientists’ ability to direct the cells into specific pathways and then support the survival and differentiation of individual somatic stem/progenitor cells (Zhang in Arlene and Mahendra 145). Stem cell and its functions Stem cells are defined as a cell population that has the capacity both to self-renew and to give rise to at least one kind of non-dividing, fully differentiated descendant (Hogan 189). It is noteworthy that most of the definitions of stem cells include a notion of self-renewal, coupled with a potential to generate one or more differentiated descendant cell types (Lumelsky in Arlene and Mahendra 162). There are three essential properties of stem cells: unspecialized, self-renewal and differentiation. Stem cells are unspecialized cells, that is, they do not posses

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Outline the history of excavation and interpretation at great Essay

Outline the history of excavation and interpretation at great Zimbabwe. What does this history tell us about colonialist ideolog - Essay Example This archeological site is famous as the place where south- African dry- stone architectural mastery reached its peak. By 1250-80, lucid stone walling were set up at Great Zimbabwe to create enclosures and platforms to support mud- and pole buildings (Phillipson, 2005, pp.52-53). The existence of Zimbabwean culture to the Western World was reported in the sixteenth century by the Portuguese travelers, although existence of Great Zimbabwe itself was not disclosed until Carl Mauch found stone ruins in Great Zimbabwe in 1871. Carl Mauch, like many other Europeans was of the idea that the biblical city of Ophir and stone buildings such as that of Great Zimbabwe had been built during the time when king Solomon went on to exploit the country’s gold reserves(Hall,1905, pp.295-300). This â€Å"exotic hypothesis† had long been in the minds of excavators coming to Rhodesian districts of south-Africa in search of the so-called ‘King Solomon’s Mines’, even the e xcavators from Rhode’s BSA Company that colonized Zimbabwe in 1890 had embraced this idea. Some were of the belief that the ruins were constructed by the Phoenicians, Arabians or the Egyptians. This â€Å"exotic hypothesis† was challenged by a professional archeologist named David MacIver in 1905. MacIver dated Great Zimbabwe’s medieval periodical origins by forming a stratigraphical connection of the stone walls with those of imports from China and Eastern Asia in the fourteenth to sixteenth century AD. This interpretation was completely contradictory to that of the â€Å"exotic hypothesis† and formed the integral part of his â€Å"essentially African† interpretation. It was however outright rejected by the public. The debate regarding the origins of culture of Zimbabwe involves political emotions as well as scientific verification, and criticisms to the â€Å"exotic hypothesis† are also not strong enough (Huffman & Vogel, 1991, pp.61). Thi s project is an attempt to account the history of the excavations in Zimbabwe through ages and how colonialist ideologies have come into play with emphasis on present political scenario and institutional changes taking place in Zimbabwe now to make it a better place to live in. History of Excavation in Zimbabwe Ever since there has been European settlement in southern parts of Africa since the very beginning of the sixteenth century; innumerable expeditions have taken place to search the wealth of the lost civilizations in the remotest of the interiors. However, all such expeditions have invariably ended without any success. This is quite a testimony to the power of well continued fables of lost cities and lost treasures. It was in 1871 that Carl Mauch, a spirited, energetic and successful explorer found the Great Zimbabwean ruins for the first time. The theory he proposed became the anthem of the many explorers exploring the ruins of Rhodesian Zimbabwe. Mauch, through various compe lx calculations and an imaginative mind noted that the splinters of wood from the forests were very similar to the wood in his pencil both being cedar, thereby indicating only one possibility that this massive stone building was built by none other than the great Queen of Sheba. It was for Mauch only that the vague ideas of a mysterious lost city could be drawn on a map for the very first time. In 1890, the British South Africa Company was captured by Mashonaland and Great Zimbabwe became a victimized possession

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Theme of Conflict in the First Six Chapters in Lord of the Flies Essay Example for Free

The Theme of Conflict in the First Six Chapters in Lord of the Flies Essay The novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding, is the book I have read recently. At the beginning Ralph and Jack like each other, but Jack’s aggressive and domineering nature makes him unable to accept Ralph’s leadership. Ralph is unable to understand Jack’s obsession with hunting and is furious with him when he lets the fire go out. Ralph is horrified by Jacks increasing savagery and is baffled and frustrated by the way he doesn’t care about the fire and rescue. He ends up screaming at Jack that he is â€Å"a beast and a swine†. When everybody meets each other for the first time they have a vote on who will be the leader. Ralph was chosen and I think when Jack realised he hadn’t been picked he changed into a different person, wanting to rule everyone on the island. I think that there only can be one leader as with any more it will be impossible for them to get along and agree with each other. Especially if the two are not very similar like Jack and Ralph. It’s almost like my mum and dad, as I think my mum has more control over me when really they should be the same. At the beginning Jack says that they should have rules and if anyone breaks them they will be punished. Later on in the book he is contradictory because he doesn’t obey the rules, â€Å"bollocks to the rules†. This civilisation verses savage causes many problems between Jack and Ralph. They both want fire but for different reasons. Ralph wants it for rescue and the one thing that Jack cares about is for cooking the meat. On the other hand it was ironic that the officer came to the island because of Jack, as he set the island on fire. Ralphs view of Piggy changes. At first, Ralph doesn’t take him seriously and makes fun of him like the others, but he gradually comes to realise Piggys’ good qualities. When Jack realises Ralph is friends with Piggy the conflict between them increases and it drives Jack mad. Ralph learns to respect Piggy’s intelligence which Jack couldn’t handle. This again emphasises the fact that they both can’t be leader as they don’t think the same and are not very similar. Ralph represents order and composure in society. Eventually Jack grew tired of Ralph being in charge. He let the barbarism inside of him transform him into a savage-like creature and he went on a rampage, destroying the makeshift civilization the boys worked so hard to create. This made it hard for everyone to stay civilized and it caused a lot of arguments between Jack and Ralph. So they are both completely different characters and I think they will never get along.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Woman in Combat Essay -- essays research papers

The idea of women in combat is not unusual anymore. They should be able to hold combat positions beacause although physical strength matters, the military still needs the intelligence that women can bring. Also, banning women from the combat hurts their military careers. Although women account for only ten percent of the enlisted personnel (Time, 8/21/95/ Pg. 31), they are still a major part in the armed forces. Their performance recently has generated support from Congress and the public for enhancing the role of females in the military. During the Persian Gulf War, women were sent to the Middle East to fly helicopters, service combat jets, refuel tankers, and load laser-guided bombs. Their performance has led the world to realize that women are extremely useful in combat. Defense secretary Dick Chaney said "Women have made a major contribution to this [war] effort. We could not have won without them." Leaders in the field agreed. The Gulf War had the largest deployment of women in the armed forces in history. These women encountered the same risks as the men they served with. Twenty one females lost their lives (Holm, Women in Combat: The New Reality, pg. 67-68). In the Persian Gulf, there were no exact positions and all areas were equally vulnerable, so the idea of safe havens for women was not really applicable. By many armed forces policies, females are banned from combat jobs and units, but in the Persian Gulf War females were assigned to battleships, air...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Organizational culture Essay

Organizational culture is defined as the shared values and beliefs within an organization (Wilkes, 2000). The culture also comprises of the norms and beliefs and is thus an in build system within an organization (Wilkes, 2000). Thus organizational culture is specific to an organization and it defines the relationship and the nature of the interaction between members of an organization and is influential on the nature of the relationship with outsiders (Wilkes, 2000). The culture is also definitive of the goals that are set for each member of the organization and is seen to go in line with thee vision of the organization. From the clear definition, goals, guidelines or expectations are developed; these constitute the norms. The management may try to instill some kind of a culture on its employees, this type of culture is thus described as corporate culture and is more specific (Wilkes, 2000). The classification of culture takes on diverse dimensions and therefore the analysis of the effects must also take on the same trend. The following are some of the factors that are used in classification of organizational culture: ? The expected differences in power levels. ? The extent to which the organizations members are willing to take risks. ? The level of collectivism or individualism in an organization. ? Gender aspects. ? Orientation, which can either be short or long term. Any strategy that an organization comes up with must be within the organizational setting and thus be relevant to the organization culture. A clash between the strategies and the organizational culture will lead to the flop of any program, therefore all organizations must ensure that their development plans are in line with the culture, failure to which the implementation will be a flop. Support for the policies After the analysis of needs, resources and uniqueness, there is an additional factor that must be considered in coming up with a decision; support. The organizational support to the mode chosen is very critical in the determination of the success of the mode of choice in meeting the needs of the organization. This is because it affect how members of the organization receive the decision. Support can be categories into three: ? Upper level support ? Like/ Colleague level ? End user support Management The reasons for support by upper management staff and executives is quite clear. The main reason for their support is the power they posses in the implementation of the plan especially in resource allocation and policy formulation (Woodruff, 2005). Moreover, the obvious nature of the need to influence the top executives often lead to concentration on them and thus ignoring the other members. Organizations must ensure that such occurrence are minimized and if possible eliminated as they can cause failure of well intentioned plans. Colleagues This group is made up of all those that the organization have to interact with in their daily undertaking (Woodruff, 2005). The importance of this group lies in counteracting the power that the organizations executives have on the decision making process. The support of the members of the organizations operational environment plays a very important role in influencing the decision. Therefore, enlightening the colleagues on the importance of Automated office systems support will go in line with drumming up support for the implementation of the approach of choice. In addition, enlightening the colleagues to understand the implementation of the plan, which it is meant for and the effect of its implementation on their jobs will go a long way in influencing their support. End Users Even though they have the power to influence the success of a plan, the end user are often ignored in lobbying for support (Woodruff, 2005). The end users have the power to render the plan a failure by deciding not to use the product, which will have the effect of changing the attitude of the colleagues and the management executives on the effectiveness and efficiency of the adopted Automated office systems support acquirement mechanism. Moreover, the sabotage need not be intentional; the failure of the system may be due to their lack of understanding of why the product is necessary or as a show of their lack of support of the governance model adopted. Furthermore, the products failure in meeting the needs of the end user could lead to failure and thus the importance of the end user in deciding on whether to buy or build Automated office systems support can never be downplayed.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Electrochemistry experimen Essay

Introduction: Redox reactions are reactions where the oxidation states of the atoms change. The atoms are either oxidized or reduced, depending if they lose or gain electrons. Electrochemical cells are devices that cause a current from redox reactions. It is set up so that electrons lost from one of the reagents can travel to another reagent. This creates a voltage, which is also known as the electric potential difference. This voltage can be read if a high-resistance voltmeter or multimeter is connected to the circuit. Salt bridge is used to allow migration of ions between two electric cells to maintain neutrality of solutions. It is usually made up of a filter paper moistened with an inert solution or an inert solution/gelatine salt bridge to prevent oxidation of certain ions. This experiment is divided into 2 parts: part A and part B. Part A Objective: To investigate the effect of change in lead(II) ion concentration on the potential of the Pb2+(aq) |Pb(s) electrode Introduction: This experiment investigates the e. m. f. of the cell: Cu(s) |Cu2+(aq) |Pb2+(aq)|Pb(s). Keeping the ion concentration in the copper electrode system constant(1M) and varying the ion concentration in the lead electrode system, the effect of change in lead(II) ion concentration on the potential of electrode as well as the Kc of the above reaction can be found. Chemicals: Copper foil x1, lead foil x1, 1M Cu2+ solution, 0. 1M Pb2+ solution, saturated potassium nitrate solution Apparatus: 250 cm3 beakers, 50cm3 beakers multimeter, distilled water bottle, filter papers, electrical wires with electrode holders, forceps, 100ml volumetric flask,10ml pipette x2, dropper Procedure: 1. The 0. 1M, 0. 01M, 0. 001M, 0. 0001M Pb2+ solutions were prepared from 0. 1M Pb2+ solution by dilution(1 portion solution plus 10 portions water). 2. The copper and lead electrodes were cleaned with a sand paper. 3. The circuit was connected as the diagram below. 4. The e. m. f. was recorded when the data shown was stable. 5. The above steps(2-4) were repeated with 0. 01M, 0. 001M and 0. 0001M Pb2+ solutions. Safety precaution: Potassium nitrate solution: Contact with combustible material may lead to fire 1M Copper(II) sulphate solution: harmful and irritating to eyes and skin. –>Safety goggles should be worn. Experimental set-up Results: [Pb2+]/M log[Pb2+] E/V 0. 1 -1 0. 482 0. 01 -2 0. 502 0. 001 -3 0. 521 0. 0001 -4 0. 545 Graph of E against log [Pb2+]: Trend shown: Given the ion concentration in the copper electrode system constant, it is found that the potential of the cell drops as the lead(II) ion concentration increase. The electrode potential is inversely proportional to the ten folds of ion concentrations. Calculation: When the reaction Cu2+(aq) + Pb(s) –> Pb2+(aq) + Cu(s) achieves equilibrium, the net e. m. f. of the cell=0 volt. The equilibrium expression of this reaction is: Kc= [ Pb2+(aq)][ Cu(s)] /[Cu2+(aq)][ Pb(s)] The effective concentration of Pb(s)/ Cu(s) are independent of its amount present and can be considered as constant. This reduces the expression to Kc= [ Pb2+(aq)] /[Cu2+(aq)] = 1Ãâ€"1021 Conclusion The potential of the cell decreases ad the ion concentration of Pb2+ increases. Further Analysis: Using the Nernst equation: E=E? -0. 059/n log[ox]/[red], Take [Pb2+]=0. 1 M as an example, E=0. 47-0. 059/2 log(0. 1/1)=0. 4405(V) [Pb2+]/M log[Pb2+] E/V(calculated) E/V(measured) %difference 0. 1 -1 0. 4405 0. 482 9. 42% 0. 01 -2 0. 529 0. 502 5. 10%.0. 001 -3 0. 5585 0. 521 6. 71% 0. 0001 -4 0. 588 0. 545 7. 31% It is shown that difference is present between the calculated value and measured value. This may be because of different conditions, resistance of the multimeter or errors in preparation of various concentrations of solutions. Part B Objective: To find out the equilibrium constant by e. m. f. measurement Introduction: The equilibrium constant for the below reaction is found out: Ag+(aq) + Fe2+(aq) Fe3+ (aq) + Ag(s) By e. m. f. measurement on the cell Pt |Fe2+(aq), Fe3+(aq)|Ag+(aq)|Ag(s) Chemicals: 0. 1 M Fe3+ solution, 0. 2 M iron(II)sulphate, 0. 2M barium nitrate, 0. 4M silver nitrate, platinum electrode, silver electrode Apparatus: gelatine salt bridge, 250 cm3 beakers, 50cm3 beakers ,multimeter, distilled water bottle, electrical wires with electrode holders, forceps, 10ml pipette x2 Procedure: 1. Equal volumes of 0. 2M FeSO4 and 0. 2M Ba(NO3)2 were mixed and the precipitate was allowed to settle without disturbance. 2. Equal volumes of 0. 1M iron(II) nitrate solution obtained and the iron(III)nitrate solution were mixed. This was the Fe2+(aq)/Fe2+(aq) half-cell. 3. The 0. 4M, 0. 2M, 0. 1M, 0. 05M, 0.025M silver nitrate solutions were prepared from 0. 4M silver nitrate solution by dilution. 4. The silver electrode was cleaned with a sand paper. 5. The circuit was connected as the diagram below. 6. The e. m. f. was recorded when the data shown was stable. 7. The above steps (4-6) were repeated with 0. 2M, 0. 1M, 0. 05M, 0. 025M silver nitrate solutions. Safety Precaution: Silver nitrate: harmful and oxidizing; 1) Poisonous if swallowed or inhaled 2) Skin contact with silver nitrate solid or solutions is likely to leave silver stains on the skin. Barium nitrate is poisonous and very harmful if swallowed. It is also a strong oxidizer, so may be hazardous if mixed with flammable materials. Experimental Set-upResults: [Ag+]/M log[Ag+] E/V 0. 4 -0. 398 0. 023 0. 2 -0. 699 0. 005 0. 1 -1 -0. 030 0. 05 -1. 301 -0. 050 0. 025 -0. 025 -0. 053 Graph of E against log[Ag+(aq)]: Calculation: When the reaction reaches equilibrium, both forward and backward reactions proceed to the same extent. This means that both the half cell reactions would have the same potential to proceed, so that the net e. m. f of the cell =0 volt at equilibrium. From the graph, the x-intercept is log[Ag+(aq)]=-0.72, hence,[Ag+(aq)]eqm=0. 1905 Ag+(aq) + Fe2+(aq) Fe3+ (aq) + Ag(s) KC= [Fe3+ (aq)]/ [Ag+(aq)][ Fe2+(aq)] =0. 1/ (0. 1905X0. 1) =5. 2493(mol2dm-6) ~5. 25(mol2dm-6) Conclusion: The equilibrium constant for the reaction between Fe2+/Fe3+ and Ag+ is 5. 25 mol2dm-6. Discussion(for both parts): 1. Possible Errors: -The electrodes (Cu(s),Pb(s),Ag(s)) were not cleaned very well with a sand paper so that they are not conducting electricity in all parts. The e. m. f. measured may hence be underestimated. -The same ammonium nitrate/gelatine salt bridge was used several times in part II of experiment. Ions of previous measurement may remain in the salt bridge and change the concentration of ions in the next measurement. -The apparatus including pipettes, beakers and volumetric flask may not be washed to be very clean. The error in concentration may be enormous when handling very dilute solutions (e. g. 0. 001M, 0. 0001M, 0. 025M) -The electrode touched the salt bridge once so that the accuracy of measurement of e. m. f. was affected. The solution is not exactly passed. -Air gap may be present in the ammonium nitrate/ gelatine salt bridge, increasing the resistance of ion migration. 2. Difference in effect of ion concentration on electrical potential of cell: -In part A, the cell e. m. f. increases as [Pb2+(aq)] decreases. However, in part B, the e. m. f. drops as [Ag+(aq)]. This suggests that when the species is a stronger oxidizing agent in the reaction and undergoes reduction, the presence of its ions tends to increase the e. m. f. whereas the one which undergoes oxidation tends to reduce the e. m. f. The species with more positive standard reduction potential has a positive effect but the one with less positive potential has a negative effect. Reference: Physical Chemistry II by TM Leung and CC Lee( p. 295-298 &299-301).

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Anchorman Movie Quotes

Anchorman Movie Quotes Anchorman is a crazy comedy that focuses on important issues that emerged in the 1970s- womens liberation being one of them. The movie is subtitled The Legend of Ron Burgundy. When the movie opens, Ron is the most happening anchorman in San Diego. As the character Bill Lawson says, He was like a god walking among mere mortals. All this changes when Veronica Corningstone enters the scene, wanting to be the top anchorwoman. Ron Burgundy cannot accept it. He is incredulous that a woman could aspire to become an anchorman. There is a constant battle between Ron and Veronica throughout the film. Read these Anchorman movie quotes and get a glimpse into this funny film. Ron Burgundy I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly.Im a man who discovered the wheel and built the Eiffel Tower out of metal and brawn. Thats what kind of man I am. Youre just a woman with a small brain. With a brain a third the size of us. Its science.Well, I could be wrong, but I believe, uh, diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.Youre so wise. Youre like a miniature Buddha, covered with hair.Im in a glass case of emotion! Veronica Corningstone Oh, Ron, there are literally thousands of men that I should be with instead, but I am 72 percent sure that I love you! Brian Fantana No, she gets a special cologne ... Its called Sex Panther by Odeon. Its illegal in nine countries.  Yep, its made with bits of real panther, so you know its good. Champ Kind I woke up on the floor of some Japanese familys rec room, and they would NOT stop screaming!  We need you. Hell, I need you. Im a mess without ya. I miss you  so damn much. I miss being with you. I miss being near you! I miss your laugh! I miss your scent. I miss your musk. When this all gets sorted out, I think you and me should get an apartment together. Bill Lawson Bob Dylan once wrote, The times, they are a-changin. Ron Burgundy had never heard that song.  There was a time, a time before cable, when the local anchorman reigned supreme. When people believed everything they heard on TV. This was an age when only men were allowed to read the news. And in San Diego, one anchorman was more man than the rest. His name was Ron Burgundy. He was like a god walking amongst mere mortals. He had a voice that could make a wolverine purr and suits so fine they made Sinatra look like a hobo. In other words, Ron Burgundy was the balls. Brick Tamland Im Brick Tamland. People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks. Years later, a doctor will tell me that I have an IQ of 48 and am what some people call mentally retarded. Tino We have a saying in my country: – The coyote of the desert likes to eat the heart of the young and the blood drips down to his children for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Wes Mantooth At the bottom of my gut, with every inch of me, I plain, straight hate you. But dammit, do I respect you!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Meaning and Origin of Famous German Names

The Meaning and Origin of Famous German Names Have you ever wondered about some of the famous German last names youve heard or read about? Whats in a German name? The meaning and origins of names are not always what they seem to be at first glance. German surnames and place names often trace their roots back to old Germanic words that have changed their meaning or gone out of use entirely. For example, the last name of author Gà ¼nter Grass seems to be obvious. Although the German word for grass is das Gras, the German authors name really has nothing to do with grass. His last name comes from a Middle High German word with a very different meaning. People who know just enough German to be dangerous may tell you that the surname Gottschalk means Gods rogue or Gods scoundrel. Well, this name – borne by the famous German TV host Thomas Gottschalk (virtually unknown outside of the German-speaking world) and an American department store chain – actually has a much better meaning. Similar mistakes or mistranslations can arise because words (and names) change their meanings and spellings over time. The name Gottschalk goes back at least 300 years to a time when the German word Schalk had a different meaning than it has today. (More below.) Arnold Schwarzenegger is another famous person whose name is sometimes explained in a misleading and even racist way. But his name is only confusing to people who dont know German very well, and it certainly has nothing to do with black people. The correct pronunciation of his name makes that very clear: Schwarzen-egger. Learn more about these and other names in the alphabetical list below. Also, see the list of related Germanic name resources at the end. German Surnames of the Rich and/or Famous Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967) - First chancellor of West GermanyMany surnames come from a geographic location or town. In the case of Adenauer, who served in Bonn as the very first Bundeskanzler, his name comes from a small town very close to Bonn: Adenau, first listed in the records as Adenowe (1215). A person from Adenau is known as an Adenauer. The German-American Henry Kissinger is another example of German name derived from a town (see below). Johann Sebastian Bach (1770-1872) - German composerSometimes a name is exactly what it seems to be. In the case of the composer, the German word der Bach means that his ancestors lived near a small stream or brook. But the name Bache, with an added e, is related to another old word meaning smoked meat or bacon and hence a butcher. (The modern German word Bache means wild sow.) Boris Becker (1967- ) - former German tennis star. He has an occupational name far removed from how Becker gained fame: baker (der Bcker). Karl Benz (1844-1929) - German co-inventor of the automobileMany last names were once (or still are also) first or given names. Karl (also Carl) Benz has a surname that was once a nickname for either Bernhard (strong bear) or Berthold (splendid ruler).   Gottfried Wilhelm Daimler (1834-1900) - German co-inventor of the automobileOlder variations of Daimler include Deumler, Teimbler, and Teumler. Not exactly a name meaning desired by someone dealing with cars, Daimler is derived from an old southern German word (Tumler) meaning swindler, from the verb tumeln, to overcharge or cheat. In 1890, he and his partner Wilhelm Maybach founded the Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG). In 1926 DMG merged with the Karl Benz company to form Daimler-Benz AG. (Also see Karl Benz above).   Thomas Gottschalk (1950- ) - German TV host (Wetten, dass...?)The name Gottschalk literally means Gods servant. Although today the word der Schalk is understood as rogue or scoundrel, its original meaning was more like der Knecht, servant, knave, or farmhand. In the early 1990s, Gottschalk and his family bought a home in Los Angeles (Malibu), where he could live without being mobbed by German fans. He still spends summers in California. Like Gottlieb (Gods love), Gottschalk was also a first name. Stefanie Steffi Graf (1969- ) - former German tennis starThe German word der Graf is the same as the English title of nobility count. Gà ¼nter Grass (1927- ) - German Nobel-prize winning authorA good example of a surname that seems obvious, but isnt the famous authors name comes from the Middle High German (1050-1350) word graz, meaning angry or intense. Once they know this, many people think the name suits the often controversial writer.   Henry Kissinger  (1923- ) - German-born former U.S. Secretary of State (1973-1977) and Nobel Peace Prize laureateHeinz Alfred Kissingers name is a place name meaning a person from Bad Kissingen, a famous spa resort town in Franconian Bavaria. Kissingers great great grandfather (Urgroßvater) derived his name from the town in 1817. Even today, a person from Bad Kissingen (pop. 21,000) is known as a Kissinger. Heidi Klum  (1973- ) - German supermodel, actressIronically, Klum is related to the old German word  klumm  (knapp, short, limited;  geldklumm, short on money) and  klamm  (klamm  sein, slang for strapped for cash). As a star model, Klums financial situation certainly does not fit her name. Helmut Kohl  (1930- ) - former German chancellor (1982-1998)The name Kohl (or Cole) is derived from an occupation: a grower or seller of cabbage (der Kohl. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  (1756-1791) - Austrian composerBaptized as Joannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart, the genius composer had a last name that comes from a term of ridicule or mockery. First recorded in the 14th century as Mozahrt in southern Germany, the name is based on the old Alemannic word  motzen, to roll in  mud. Originally a first name (with the common ending -hart), the term was used for someone who was sloppy, untidy, or dirty. Ferdinand Porsche  (1875-1951) - Austrian auto engineer and designerThe name Porsche has Slavic roots and is probably derived from a shortened form of the first name Borislav (Boris), meaning famous fighter (bor, fighting   slava, fame). Porsche designed the original Volkswagen. Maria Schell  (1926-2005) - Austrian-Swiss film actressMaximilian Schell  (1930 - ) - Austrian-Swiss film actorAnother name with Middle High German origins. The MHG  schell  meant exciting or wild. Brother and sister also both appeared in Hollywood films. Claudia Schiffer  (1970- ) - German supermodel, actressOne of Claudias ancestors was probably a sailor or ships captain (der Schiffer, skipper). Oskar Schindler  (1908-1974) - German factory owner of Schindlers list fameFrom the profession of  Schindelhauer  (shingle maker). Arnold Schwarzenegger  (1947- ) - Austrian-born actor, director, politicianNot only is the former bodybuilders name a bit long and unusual, but it is also often misunderstood. Arnolds last name is made up of two words:  schwarzen, black   egger, corner, or loosely translated, black corner (das  schwarze  Eck). His ancestors probably came from a location that was forested and seemed dark (like the Black Forest,  der Schwarzwald).   Til Schweiger  (1963- ) - German screen star, director, producerAlthough it seems related to  schweigen  (to be silent), the actors name is actually derived from Middle High German  sweige, meaning farm or dairy farm. Schweiger has also appeared in several Hollywood movies, including as a villain in  Laura Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life  (2003). Johnny Weissmuller  (1904-1984) - U.S. Olympic swimming champ best known as TarzanAnother occupational name: wheat miller (der Weizen / Weisz  Ã‚  der Mà ¼ller / Mueller). Although he always claimed he was born in Pennsylvania, Weissmuller was  actually  born to Austrian parents in what is now Rumania.   Ruth Westheimer (Dr. Ruth)  (1928- ) - German-born sex therapistBorn in Frankfurt am Main as Karola Ruth Siegel (das Siegel, stamp, seal), Dr. Ruths last name (from her late husband Manfred Westheimer) means at home / living in the west (der West  Ã‚  heim). Books on German Family Names  (in German) Professor Udolphs Buch der Namen - Woher sie kommen, was sie bedeutenJà ¼rgen Udolph, Goldmann, paper - ISBN: 978-3442154289 Duden - Familiennamen: Herkunft und Bedeutung von 20 000 NachnamenRosa and Volker KohlheimBibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, paper - ISBN: 978-3411708529 Das große Buch der FamiliennamenHorst NaumannBassermann, 2007, paper - ISBN: 978-3809421856

Sunday, November 3, 2019

(5 paragraph illustration) Birthday party at the beach with a cook out Essay

(5 paragraph illustration) Birthday party at the beach with a cook out - Essay Example Having found my perfect destination, I sent out invitation letters to the family and some of Brittany’s friends she had not seen in a while even though they had gone to college together. This would be a perfect surprise. The day finally arrived; the cloudless sky was a clear sign of perfect weather. I started the morning preparations by setting up the venue. The party theme was white and sexy to blend in with the white sands of Boca Grande Beach. Therefore, for the furniture, I arranged for light comfortable chairs and tables. For the centerpiece, I put yellow scented vanilla candles – Brittany’s favorite scent. I arranged for toys, plastic tools like shovels, for the kids to play with on the beach. I set up jumping castles for the children too. I had invited Brittany’s favorite rock band – a surprise, too. I had a small but authentic gazebo set up for them, with deep black mahogany planks as the platform. This blended in nicely with my white theme. After finishing on the venue, I had to check on the catering. The party started at three in the afternoon. I did not want the guests to arrive and find me unprepared. I set off to collect the food, which included champagne, wine and beer; I also had some energy drinks and snacks for the kids. I also got biting for the adults: hot dogs, buns, potato crisps in apple sauce. I had to collect the birthday cake made especially for her. Brittany wanted a chocolate cake with a little bit of vanilla. I sprinkled the cake with blue berries. By half past 3, most of the guests had arrived and sat. The children were busy playing on the beach. My well-trained stuff began serving guests my homemade chilled cocktails, accompanied by sliced lemon. I offered kids some sunscreen and let them enjoy the sand. I had the hot dogs grilled and, within no time, they were ready to eat. The hot dogs placed in a fish shaped bowl served with

Friday, November 1, 2019

History of Washington State Wine industry and it's global future Research Paper

History of Washington State Wine industry and it's global future - Research Paper Example This will be followed by the global future of the industry. The Washington wine is produced from grapes grown in the Washington region and this industry ranks second in the overall production of wine, falling only second to California. The industry has seen immense growth and development and the number of vineyards has grown to over 30,000, which cater to the export needs to almost forty different countries from around the world. The main production of wine takes place in the eastern half of the state, and this half is desert like in nature. Irrigation and water rights are a major interest to the industry and this is solely due to the rain shadow of the Cascade regions (Matthews). Also the Viticulture of the state is also a result of the high levels of sunlight that the area receives. The wine industry was started way back in 1825, when the first wine grapes were planted by Hudson’s Bay Company at the Ford Vancouver. As time passed by 1910, the state saw a high level of increase in the growing of grapes across the state (Gregutt). The credits for pioneers of the plantations however go to the French, Italians and Germans. There were number of efforts for the Wine Projects from wine experts and historians like Ron Irvine and Dr. Walter Clore. These experts were the ones to start the early planting at Fort Vancouver. The year 1854 saw the hybrid varieties of grapes and these were got to the Puget Sound region. As time passed by 1860, wine grapes were being started to plant in the region of the Walla Walla valley. The early 1900s specifically around 1903, found a large number of irrigation projects that were developed. During this time there was a large melt down of the Cascade Mountains and this was a huge opportunity for the people as the soil in these areas was rich volcanic and the weather here was sunny and arid. It was now that the Yakima and Columbia regions also saw the plantations of Italian and German varieties. As time passed by this